J. Carino

Natural Disaster

Set in the precarious California landscape, with its beauty and looming natural disasters, this series explores the power of nature, queerness, and our place in the natural world. The modern world is one of simultaneity: beauty, disaster, love, and destruction exist together. Scenes of landslides, tsunamis, and wildfires are juxtaposed with vignettes of queer love, sex, and ephemeral wildflowers.

Lupine, 2023

Oil and acrylic on linen

35×35 inches


Sea Spray, 2023

Oil and acrylic on linen

35×35 inches

The three large paintings are named for three Titans of Greek myth: Oceanus, Chronos, and Prometheus, who were overthrown in the establishment of the current world order. But the waters, the ever-devouring passage of time, and the fire of our own hubristic advancement ultimately bring about the reclaiming of the world by nature, and perhaps our own downfall. Queerness exists as a natural, disruptive force against the very societal attitudes and structures that make our place in nature so vulnerable. Within this unrest, the two square paintings offer momentary peace. A sense of calmness and lightness, and a reclamation of our own true place within nature achieved through focus on individual moments. We are simultaneously falling and flying.


Oil and acrylic on linen

60×35 inches


Chronos, 2023

Oil and acrylic on linen

60×35 inches


Oil and acrylic on linen

60×35 inches


J. Carino

Natural Disaster

20th May – 10th June 2023

MONTi8 project space

V.le dello Statuto 37, Latina – Italy

All prices are VAT excluded. VAT is applied only for Italian buyers

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